Thursday, June 12, 2014

A bait Merlin farming fit

If in doubt, fire! Unless there’s a Daredevil around. In which case discretion should be the better part of valour. Unless you are Zappity, in which case go back for seconds!

There were two Merlins in the system, named identically and evidently farming to their hearts’ content. I jumped into a plex after the first, watching short scan for the second to appear. Just the sort of sneaky trick a nasty farmer WOULD play. But, to my surprise, a Daredevil appeared.

My Comet was hitting the Merlin pretty hard, but I still aligned out away from the beacon to ensure a timely getaway when the Daredevil arrived. He landed just as the Merlin hit hull which I found intensely annoying. I warped off and waited in my safe until the Daredevil disappeared and farming again ruled the day.

Rinse and repeat. Well, almost repeat since this time I stuffed up my align and the Daredevil landed a scram. I said goodbye to my Comet, thinking that I could at least take the Merlin with me. And then he warped off!

A bait Merlin farming fit! I couldn't help but be impressed as I limped home in my Velator. And annoyed that I fell for it. I will get my revenge!


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