I decided to see what all the noise about sentry drones was about since the Ishtar is about to be nerfed. I suppose you could say that I am late to the party but never mind. I have used sentries in PvE before but that is very different to using them in real EVE. I figured that since the Ishtar was so widely known to be OP I would have difficulty getting a solo fight in one and therefore chose the Vexor Navy Issue since it can still field five of them without being as heinously OP as it’s HAC cousin. Here is the kiting fit I tried first:
[Vexor Navy Issue, Sentry Kite]
Damage Control II
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Imperial Navy Small EMP Smartbomb
Imperial Navy Small EMP Smartbomb
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Bouncer II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Warrior II x5
I found a similar fit on the forum somewhere (sorry, but I can’t remember where to give credit). This is meant to be a kiting fit although not particularly fast (2200 m/s) with 538 dps from Bouncers and 32k EHP. The idea was to point them and try to keep the Bouncers at about 50 km in an attempt to keep optimal down by going in roughly away from the sentries. No doubt this is child’s play to nullsec F1 monkeys to whom this is bread and butter stuff but to me it was an interesting challenge.
I headed out but after five jumps of being denied instant gratification became bored and started belt ratting in Prism. After a few minutes I spotted a suspiciously competent looking character enter local and, not particularly convincingly, head to the top belt to ‘rat’.
I warped to the third belt at 50 km, dropped my Bouncers, and hung around about 25 km from the beacon, or whatever that triangle thing in asteroid belts is. I don’t do mining. Sure enough, a couple of minutes later I heard the adrenaline-inducing ‘thunk’ of another ship landing on grid. I love that sound. Unless I really am ratting in which case I tend to panic. We pointed each other immediately and went at it. I told you he wasn’t just a ratter!
My plan of keeping him at about 50 km from the Bouncers but moving away in a nice straight line to reduce transversal didn’t work too well. He was, after all, orbiting me at ~25 km with a MWD, flinging nasty missiles at me. Maybe I should use Wardens at 100 km next time.
I thought about my smartbombs, originally intended to remove pesky light drones buzzing around me. I activated them in the faint hope that they would kill some of the incoming light missiles. Foolishly, I didn’t have my log open so I couldn’t keep track of the incoming damage. I must test this some time.
Anyway, we both crept down (myself crawling somewhat faster it must be admitted) toward armour. But I eventually timed his orbit correctly and got him in a nice chase line back toward the sentries. They took a chunk out of him and suddenly we were both in armour! The next wave of sentry damage put him in hull before he popped shortly after. Ha! But he definitely would have won if he’d been in the navy version. Not good enough. I need to work on my strategy.
Caracal Noogie Edition (yes, I am too lazy to look it up):
I decided that the ‘kiting’ fit was rubbish, mostly because it is not fast or agile enough to be a proper kite cruiser. I don’t think I’m good enough at kiting to keep out of range of a brawling MWD cruiser slingshot. So I decided to try a brawling fit:
[Vexor Navy Issue, Sentry brawl]
Damage Control II
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Imperial Navy Small EMP Smartbomb
Imperial Navy Small EMP Smartbomb
Medium Anti-Explosive Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Acolyte II x5
Valkyrie II x5
Warden II x5
I warped to a medium plex, dropped the Wardens at 80 km from beacon and waited at zero for anyone foolish enough to visit. A Moa on short scan! The damage from these guys can be nasty so I figured it was a good test. He landed a few kilometers from me and I pounced on him with my scram and web. But he pounced on me too so he started it.
His damage application was excellent and before I knew it I was in armour with only a small dent in his shield. I turned on nuets and then the smartbombs as his drones appeared (they were only Warriors). It worked great! After just a couple of cycles he pulled his drones back and his tackle mysteriously disappeared. Huge chunks of his shield started to disappear as his hardeners were disabled and the Wardens were able to hit better. Kinetic damage was a bad choice against a Moa.
My main concern then was keeping him tackled. I actually did this poorly and he outranged my scram before I hastily approached and overheated the module. I should have also been concerned about my capacitor because only a second or two after he popped I ran dry!
Video of both fights:
This is a really fun way to fight. I haven’t done much cap warfare before, and this fit in particular is quite cap hungry with only the small cap booster. What I don’t like about it is sitting and waiting for the opposition to come to you.