Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hunting a nullbear that wasn't

I was determined to find more Firetail fights. Absolutely determined. Until the aptly-named Innocent Scout found a wormhole leading to nullsec. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to poke my head in there?

I have been getting a little bored with my routine lately. It is so easy to get solo small ship fights in lowsec that I have lost my hunting edge. I rarely need to go more than a few quick jumps to find a fight. Sure, I manipulate fights around plexes but those are with (at least somewhat) willing participants.

Actually, come to think of it I'm not sure I ever had a hunting edge to start with. I used to be adept at probing sites down but never really used those skills to hunt people. And the last time I found myself behind some combat probes it took FAR too long to get a result.

Innocent Scout hopped through the hole and found herself surrounded by drone sites in Outer Passage (a most unfortunate name). Brothers of Tangra - aren't they renters? Whatever. Zappity followed shortly after in her Stratios.

Oops! Once away from the colourful overview bustle of Ishomilken I noticed that Zappity was flashing a most conspicuous yellow icon in local. Hmm. I guess they wouldn’t be very used to that around here. And sure enough, the couple of Caracals I had spotted on dscan had already tucked their tails between their legs and run back to their station. I decided to cloak in their system until the timer had worn off.

I used the time to check Dotlan for a nice ratting system. The region looked pretty rubbish to my admittedly uneducated eye but at least there was a system a couple of jumps away with a few hundred recent NPC kills.

With Innocent Cheetah scouting the route Zappity's slower cruiser evaded most of the nasty bubbles. The destination system was fully bubbled on entry with half a dozen pilots in local. Maybe I should put Innocent in an inty to help with this sort of thing. Or perhaps put Zappity in a nullified Proteus.

Anyway, I slowboated both ships out of the bubble under cloak and took my time checking out the system. Of course I forgot to do all the sensible things like check for wrecks and suitable sites. Instead, I watched a mining fleet on dscan warp away from their site.

Oh well. I wandered to the other side of the system. Where I saw a Gila. Surely he would be safe at a moon. But I needed the practice so I warped the Cheetah out of dscan range, dropped some probes, and scanned him down. I got him on the second scan and the Cheetah, already aligned in the general direction, soon landed at 20km range.

Oh. Not at a moon and a 2008 character. I closed to 5km range and launched Zappity. The Cheetah was safely at a safe long before Zappity landed. I deactivated cloak a few seconds before landing to shed the lock delay. An overheated scram snared the Gila before he could scarper.

Now I will admit to not being too sure about my chance of success. I have checked the Gila out in PYFA and it is a nice ship. But what is the point of having a Stratios if you aren't going to explode it in some stupid way!

The Geckos started hammering him pretty hard. But his Hammerheads weren't doing too badly at all and my shield disappeared almost immediately. I was surprised to see that I wasn’t very effectively controlling range and wondered about his fit. I finally broke through his shield when I was already bleeding through into hull. Not a moment too soon!


Ha! And as you can see, that is a PvP fit, not a ratting fit. I'll be honest now and say that I probably wouldn't have taken him on if I had realised that. Is his fit bad? I am going to go ahead and say that it must be. This is because I read that the Stratios is bad and anyone who flies one is bad and should feel bad about being bad especially because of the cloak which is useless for PvP. But apparently the Gila is OP. So I'm confused because he died and I didn't.

Anyway, I was quite proud of that kill until I remembered all the things that I should have done differently. What damage do people usually apply to those drone rats? What do people fighting them tank against? And where was my mobile depot for repping up after the fight? Why was I in my mid-grade snake clone? It should have been clean, or at least the slave set for an extra 10k EHP! Oh dear, what a noob.

Still, all's well that ends well. So back to Ishomilken for some well deserved TLC on the old armour. And hull. I am glad that I kept the double webs on my Stratios fit. The drone tracking whatsit only improved the Gecko damage by about 5% on SiSi so I chose to keep them plus a cap booster.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Baiting a highsec bear

The astute reader (that’s you) would have noticed that my stories tend to be a few weeks out of date. This is because my playing time is irregular and I try to do my best to keep you entertained with at least a modicum of regularity. But you will also have noticed that Zappity is currently a shameful NPC poster. This deserves some immediate explanation.

Things had become a bit stale for me in lowsec (entirely my fault - I am lazy) and I had a growing desire to visit RvB in highsec. You might remember that I started this character in RvB before diving into lowsec. It was great fun and a good way to get used to the initial PvP shakes. I found myself wondering how accurate my recollections from that time were now that I have a little more experience.

I left a note on the Stay Frosty forums (because I was sure I will be back before too long - it is a truly magnificent corp for, amongst other types, the casual solo and small gang player) and clicked Apply on Blue Republic, which had fewer members than Red Federation.

At this point I have to give serious props to CCP for the tags for sec feature. A few short jumps from Jita and 250m isk (or thereabouts - I wasn't paying much attention) later, I had jumped from -9.0 to 0.5. I wanted that extra bit of buffer above -2.0 because you never know when the urge to commit a crime will become overwhelming.

I’ll post more about my short RvB adventures later but in brief, I got bored again and decided to give wormhole life a try. Thinking that my clones all looked far too shiny for space with bubbles I trained up Advanced Infomorph Whatsit a few points and hopped into EACS to drop a few new clones around the map.

And here I am, kicked from EACS after the allotted time and awaiting acceptance to Stay Frosty’s sibling wormhole corp. It is taking a while. Maybe I am a security risk.

But before we return to scheduled programming, here is a highsec story. I decided to take advantage of Zappity’s newly acquired security status by baiting some mission runners. Sounds like a job for the Incursus! I figured that the T1 frigate was not going to be threatening for your average highsec bear and the reps are very impressive.

[Incursus, Zappity’s dual rep v1]

Small Armor Repairer II
Small Armor Repairer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Damage Control II

1MN Afterburner II
Small Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 150
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I

Light Ion Blaster II, Void S
Light Ion Blaster II, Void S
Light Ion Blaster II, Void S

Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I

Acolyte II x1

Now, before we go any further please note that this fit didn’t actually work so please watch for revisions.

Zappity and Innocent Scout made their way to the nearest NPC kill-rich system. Gnosis on dscan - good enough. I renamed by Incursus to the not-so-subtle “Loot Sweet Loot” and was soon in warp.

The Gnosis character was from 2007 and showed his confidence by yellow boxing me as soon as I landed in his mission. Two seconds after I looted the nearest wreck he red-boxed me! We’re on! I angled in under afterburner and was soon in a tight orbit. His drones and the nasty NPCs were both hitting me pretty hard and by the time I reached him a decent chunk was missing from my armour. I activated the reps which I really should have just started immediately and spent the next five minutes managing cap, reps and drone targets.

I was at a slight disadvantage because I had lost my overviews with the recent Hyperion patch and had forgotten to set up a Drones tab. But that was not the fault of my opponent. The Gnosis and the NPCs managed to get into my hull at one point, so most of the fight was spent with the Incursus wrapping a smoky trail around the Gnosis.

Things finally settled down after all his drones were dead. So I settled down for the long haul, plinking away at his passive shield tank. Unfortunately, my opponent was wise to the ways of the highsec mission baiter and continued killing the NPCs to reduce the incoming damage.

It soon became clear that I wasn’t going to be able to break his tank, especially since my guns were already crispy from earlier overheating. I stopped firing and tried to repair them only to realise that I didn’t have any nanite paste in the hold. What a noob. I toyed with the idea of getting Innocent Scout to drop some off but thought better of it and, instead, started up a ransom convo!

I felt a bit bad about that because there was no way I could have actually killed him and my threats about being satisfied with the killmail if my demands were not met were quite empty. Regardless, he bit on the offer and we negotiated the princely sum of 40m. He paid and I immediately warped away. We chatted for a while longer and I confessed that I might not have been able to break through his regen. He agreed but said that I had done so well to manage his drones (with a smoking hull, what’s more) that I deserved a reward. I agree!

That was a lot of fun but I suspect it was a case of beginner’s luck with how easy it was to get a rise out of my target. And I clearly need more DPS. Props to Quathette for taking the fight - good stuff.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Killed by a Firetail

Another day, another Stratios gank:


Hardly worth mentioning to be honest. He wasn't even a PvPer by the look of things. I even caught his pod despite the enormous cruiser lock time.


I spent a while looking for fights in the 250mm rail Thorax but nothing doing. Eventually I jumped back in the Comet and murdered a kiting Slicer by keeping him interested long enough to slingshot him. I have found that by delaying use of the armour repper until I am nearly in hull sets the hook deep in a kiter. And then they die if I manage to land a scram:


Then I got my comeuppance in the form of a Firetail. Yes, a Firetail killed my Comet:

Loss, Police Pursuit Comet:

Well, I didn't think that was possible with the Comet reps. I can't remember the last time a Firetail killed my Comet and, to be honest, I didn't take it seriously.

Needless to say I am now interested in the Firetail again, despite the scorn I poured upon it a few posts ago. Unfortunately, I didn't record the fight but he used 150mm autos and a vamp. Also, I couldn't pull range even with overheated afterburner and an attempt to sling away. It was almost certainly a double web fit and this meant that my tracking was rubbish. Finally, I noticed that it was active armour. So that pretty much limits things to something like this:

[Republic Fleet Firetail, 150mm dps]

Gyrostabilizer II
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
Damage Control II

1MN Afterburner II
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Stasis Webifier II

150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Fusion S
150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Fusion S
Small Nosferatu II

Small Projectile Ambit Extension I
Small Projectile Metastasis Adjuster I
Small Projectile Burst Aerator I

Rigs are more or less to flavour but I figured I would want a bit of extra reach (ambit) for when I was scram kiting and a bit more tracking (metastasis) for close orbits and drones. I am going to lose a few fits like this before deciding on the Firetail (again). Anyway, Jita prices just crashed through my long term low buy order so I now have hundreds of them! The Minmatar farmers are still driving prices down so I'll probably have them for a while, too.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Zappity's first miner gank

I had just finished posting in a thread entitled “Random Kindness in EVE”, saying that I was usually kind to noobs in lowsec because I didn’t want to scare them away, when a call went out for people to go and gank a Hulk in our 0.5 highsec border system, Usi. I was only three jumps out so I hastily changed the route back to Ish. I had a few Catalysts fitted in station (not specifically fitted for ganking but close enough) so I put them up on corp contract and joined the correct fleet.

Now, I have never ganked anyone before (not unless you count farmers) but have always wanted to at least once to get a bit of perspective. It was with excited anticipation that I formed up on the gate and waited for the order to jump into highsec. Ugh…highsec. I don’t like the nasty “You are a criminal so bugger off” message that pops up when I jump in. And I REALLY don’t like the fact that I can’t just shoot whoever I feel like.

Except just now, of course :)

We held cloak and were fleet warped onto the target. Really, four Catalysts was overkill for this Hulk but they are cheap at just over a million each so who cares? I tackled him and started firing! He exploded long before the rozzers showed up. Unfortunately I missed his pod but easily got my own capsule away.


Whew, that was a rush! But I can’t imagine it holding my attention too long - it wasn't even as challenging as killing a farmer. Anyway, I did manage to capture my first gank for posterity:


Thursday, August 21, 2014

A cloaky gank

I'm back in the Thorax, looking for someone to kill. There are a surprising number of cruisers about but the only solo ones I see are navy or faction. I'm starting to see a trend here. Finally, I get sick of hunting and foolishly engage a Vexor Navy Issue. I died in about 10 seconds, despite having both reppers overheated.

It was a useful fight. I reviewed the logs and figured out what went wrong: his heavy drones broke straight through my reps. Insane DPS. I want some! So I fired up PYFA (I converted from EFT a while ago) and played around.

Well, for a start my Heavy Drones skill is rubbish. But that, evidently, is what Geckos are for! +600 DPS is quite achievable. But it still doesn't overcome the problem of the nasty suspicious and deceitful minds that my fellow lowsec denizens tend to have. They won't want to engage a Vexor Navy Issue because a) they will lose, and b) they will suspect reinforcements.

So I bought a few Stratios hulls. And promptly lost the first one to a gate camp when my stupid Function key wasn't enabled on the keyboard. I was still uselessly jamming F6 to try and cloak when they broke me. Actually, I often do that with F1 at the start of a fight and then notice that my guns aren't doing anything. Maybe I should get a different keyboard. Or just remember to press the button. Or use a scout when flying an expensive ship.

Anyway, the fit:

[Stratios, Zappity’s cloaky gank v1]

1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
10MN Afterburner II

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M

Medium Anti-Explosive Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Gecko x2
Nanite Repair Paste x50

DPS is about 170 from guns and 500 from drones with my skills. 42k EHP.

The next time I took one out I remembered to turn the Function keys on. I made it a few jumps out of Ish when I spotted a Caracal, Arbitrator and Firetail on scan. Even better, a corpie, Spocria Charante, was in system  his rail Comet (a marvelous ship, by the way).

They were loitering at the Large plex. I must admit to being a bit nervous! But this is exactly what I had bought the bloody thing for so what the hell. Anyway, Spocria is apparently an avid reader of the thread and was evidently waiting for me to do something. Then he said that the thread was part of the reason he moved to lowsec (op success) and before I knew it I was in cloaked warp, range 50km.

I landed about 15km from the Arbitrator with the Firetail about 40 away, close to the beacon. The Caracal had disappeared which suited me just fine since I was a bit worried about multiple webs forcing me out of electron range.

I approached the Arbitrator. At about 12km I decloaked, hit the MWD for a single cycle and locked him up. I then switched to afterburner and went into a close orbit.

I immediately saw that he was fit with double reps. Oh well, let's see how it goes. The scram and double web combination held him tightly enough that my Geckos were able to hit hard. Sure enough, I was able to chew his hull away between rep cycles and after what felt like hours but in reality was just under one minute, he popped.


By this time the Firetail had closed and was doing something nasty to me (to be honest I had been pretty much ignoring him up to now apart from locking him). So I switched everything to him. He died really fast.

And then Spocria podded him!

I warped out just after the Caracal landed. Stealth gank! I wonder if I could have killed him, too? But let's not get greedy on the first outing. Also, shouldn’t that Arbitrator have had a tracking disruptor? Was it a rubbish fit? I checked in EFT and was comforted to see that, despite the anti-frigate high slots, it had a decent active tank - it repped hard at nearly 500 dps with the nanite charges in the AAR.

And now I am left to ponder my own fit. First, do I need dual prop? In retrospect it seems somewhat pointless in lowsec since the cloak can get me to the edge of scram range and there are no bubbles. Maybe I'll drop the MWD for a cap booster in case of neuting. Or maybe a drone tracking whatsit.

And what about the double web? I like the idea of being able to control the range of a couple of ships, at least partially. I also like being able to get under the guns of my target by orbiting. But most cruisers will be MWD fit so the scram plus a web would take care of that. And come to think of it, I can probably fit Ions on instead of Electrons.

To the test server!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Learning more about cruisers

I'm back in the Thorax, looking for someone to kill. There are a surprising number of cruisers about but the only solo ones I see are navy or faction. I'm starting to see a trend here. Finally, I get sick of hunting and foolishly engage a Vexor Navy Issue. I died in about 10 seconds, despite having both reppers overheated.

It was a useful fight. I reviewed the logs and figured out what went wrong: his heavy drones broke straight through my reps. Insane DPS. I want some! So I fired up PYFA (I converted from EFT a while ago) and played around.

Well, for a start my Heavy Drones skill is rubbish. But that, evidently, is what Geckos are for! +600 DPS is quite achievable. But it still doesn't overcome the problem of the nasty suspicious and deceitful minds that my fellow lowsec denizens tend to have. They won't want to engage a Vexor Navy Issue because a) they will lose, and b) they will suspect reinforcements.

So I bought a few Stratios hulls. And promptly lost the first one to a gate camp when my stupid Function key wasn't enabled on the keyboard. I was still uselessly jamming F6 to try and cloak when they broke me. Actually, I often do that with F1 at the start of a fight and then notice that my guns aren't doing anything. Maybe I should get a different keyboard. Or just remember to press the button. Or use a scout when flying an expensive ship.

Anyway, the fit:

[Stratios, Zappity’s cloaky gank v1]

1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
10MN Afterburner II

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M

Medium Anti-Explosive Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Gecko x2
Nanite Repair Paste x50

DPS is about 170 from guns and 500 from drones with my skills. 42k EHP.

The next time I took one out I remembered to turn the Function keys on. I made it a few jumps out of Ish when I spotted a Caracal, Arbitrator and Firetail on scan. Even better, a corpie, Spocria Charante, was in system  his rail Comet (a marvelous ship, by the way).

They were loitering at the Large plex. I must admit to being a bit nervous! But this is exactly what I had bought the bloody thing for so what the hell. Anyway, Spocria is apparently an avid reader of the thread and was evidently waiting for me to do something. Then he said that the thread was part of the reason he moved to lowsec (op success) and before I knew it I was in cloaked warp, range 50km.

I landed about 15km from the Arbitrator with the Firetail about 40 away, close to the beacon. The Caracal had disappeared which suited me just fine since I was a bit worried about multiple webs forcing me out of electron range.

I approached the Arbitrator. At about 12km I decloaked, hit the MWD for a single cycle and locked him up. I then switched to afterburner and went into a close orbit.

I immediately saw that he was fit with double reps. Oh well, let's see how it goes. The scram and double web combination held him tightly enough that my Geckos were able to hit hard. Sure enough, I was able to chew his hull away between rep cycles and after what felt like hours but in reality was just under one minute, he popped.


By this time the Firetail had closed and was doing something nasty to me (to be honest I had been pretty much ignoring him up to now apart from locking him). So I switched everything to him. He died really fast.

And then Spocria podded him!

I warped out just after the Caracal landed. Stealth gank! I wonder if I could have killed him, too? But let's not get greedy on the first outing. Also, shouldn’t that Arbitrator have had a tracking disruptor? Was it a rubbish fit? I checked in EFT and was comforted to see that, despite the anti-frigate high slots, it had a decent active tank - it repped hard at nearly 500 dps with the nanite charges in the AAR.

And now I am left to ponder my own fit. First, do I need dual prop? In retrospect it seems somewhat pointless in lowsec since the cloak can get me to the edge of scram range and there are no bubbles. Maybe I'll drop the MWD for a cap booster in case of neuting. Or maybe a drone tracking whatsit.

And what about the double web? I like the idea of being able to control the range of a couple of ships, at least partially. I also like being able to get under the guns of my target by orbiting. But most cruisers will be MWD fit so the scram plus a web would take care of that. And come to think of it, I can probably fit Ions on instead of Electrons.

To the test server!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Vengeance for a Vengeance

A blaster-fit Comet had viciously killed a corpie's Vengeance earlier in the day. Thoroughly uncalled for. I hunted him for a while and he eventually gave a fight. It was very close! I warped into the plex and he was waiting, drones and all, for me on the beacon. I felt the full brunt of his DPS while I slowly pulled range out to 7.5 km. And then I killed him while watching dscan for a small incoming T1 frigate gang.


These guys were clearly hunting from plex to plex: Condor, Incursus and Rifter. The Incursus appeared first and although I was in poor shape I waited for him to come in, confident that I could outrun him if necessary. I checked for a suitable celestial (away from the beacon), aligned and locked him up. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to kill him before the Condor landed so I pulled out of scram range and scarpered.

I docked, repped and refilled the AAR before heading back out to chase them. The gang had already moved on but it didn't take me long to find them. The Condor and Rifter were loitering on a gate, evidently waiting for the Incursus, who was in a plex, to call them in.

The Condor unwittingly wandered into my scram range while I was holding cloak and I only just remembered the gate guns in time before pressing the button! Instead of dying in such a foolish manner I warped to 20 to a plex next to the one which held the Incursus. I then aligned back to the gate, hoping that the Condor would warp in at range.

But they were either disciplined or had no initiative and they just waited on the gate until the Incursus warped over and tackled me. Or was tackled by me, if you prefer! The Condor and Rifter appeared on short scan when I was halfway through the Incursus' armour. Happily, the Condor landed on top of me (he DID warp at range, although 'at range' would have actually been the gate at this stage) so I scrammed him and switched all DPS. He died quickly:


I then switched back to the Incursus while locking up the Rifter. I expected him to run but he clearly wanted blood after the destruction of his colleagues! He stayed, so I killed him too.


I was in pretty bad shape by now but was happy with the last five minutes, even though the last three were clearly noobs. My only disappointment was that I didn't catch a pod! I probably could have caught one during the fight but was concentrating on the ships.


A little while later I was innocently sightseeing in the local systems when I saw a suspiciously new character in a Rifter at a plex. The killboard informed me of a ship plus pod losses which only steeled my resolve to make an example of the farmer. I docked, swapped my web out for a second scram, and warped in. An Atron decided to interrupt the proceeding when I was halfway through the Rifter’s armour and tackled me. The Rifter died quickly ( but the Atron’s arrival was a decidedly unhappy turn of events since I did not have a web. But I couldn’t do much about it and tried to keep him at range as best I could. Surprisingly, he died! He could have disengaged at will or orbited me very effectively with his neutrons:


Anyway, the really interesting bit happened just as I finished killing the Atron. An Incursus, piloted by a familiar name, landed on grid. Discretion, I’m afraid, was the better part of valour in this instance so I warped to the sun like a cowardly cuss where I was delighted to see the Rifter pilot’s pod! As I started locking him up the Incursus pilot landed next to me. Uh oh.

Unfortunately, the Incursus was piloted by a competent Cara Forelli who had followed me to the sun. I really should have used the emergency warp tab to pick a more obscure celestial. Before I could warp away I was tackled and dead. And what’s more, it was my own Incursus fit! The cheek of it!


Good fights all round :)